Lời bài hát Hotel

Ca sĩ: Dj Project
Tu ai fost primul vers || You were the first verse

Propriul meu univers || My own universe (?)

Imi gaseam alinarea in tine || I found comfort in you

Dar ai vrut sa ma vezi || But you wanted to see me

Doar in noptiile reci || Only in cold nights

Doar cand tu ai nevoie de mine || Only when you needed me

(II)Tu ai fost primul pas || You were the first step
Mi-ar fi greu sa te las || It would be hard for me to leave you (?)
Astazi totul depinde de tine || Today everything depends on you
Daca tie tie greu || [no idea about this part...]
Ce-as putea spune eu || What can I say (?)
Toate noptiile stau marturie || ???

Ref. Inima mea e ca un hotel || My heart is like a hotel
Din cand in cand te opresti la mine || From time to time you stay at me
M-am saturat vreau sa pleci din el || …., I want to leave it
Vreau tot sau nimic de maine || I want everything or nothing (since) tomorrow